Sunday, August 3, 2008

Look Out World (or 6th graders), Here I Come!!

I have officially entered the world of adulthood….I have a teaching job! Your looking at the new 6th grade Reading/English teacher at Silvestri Junior High School. It is called a CORE position, which means I teach reading and English to the same group of students and they stay in my class for two periods. I am totally excited!!! This is my dream job and to get in my first year is really lucky. You know the saying, “It’s not what you know it’s who you know”? Well, the only reason I got this job is because the principal at Cartwright ES (the school I am student teaching at) was talking to the principal at Silvestri and she put in a good word for me. I am actually shocked he wanted to hire me since I didn’t exactly nail the interview. First of all I didn’t even know he was going to interview me. He came in for an observation and then tells me he wants to go out in the hall to “talk”. I think it was a good thing I wasn’t expecting an interview otherwise I would have worked myself up and been even more nervous. Anyway, so he asks me what novels I would use for in my classroom for 6th graders. I was totally stumped. I didn’t want to just say, “I don’t know” So I answered with a book that, I found out later, is at a much lower grade level...totally embarrassing. But I did tell him as I was leaving that I was going to look up 6th grade novels immediately. And I did. (For those of you that are curious about what 6th graders do read here are a few top picks: Walk Two Moons, Loser, Freak the Mighty, Wrinkle In Time and The Giver.)

I have a job and that is fantastic! The bad news is I will get a whole four days off! My last day of student teaching is August 8 and new teachers go back for orientation on August 13 (sigh). So, I am making a quick trip to Cali for the weekend to catch a ball game and see my brother and his family. This will be a much needed vacation! I have made it through student teaching and now the next speed bump to get over is the first day of school...I'm nervous.


Monica McCoy said...

SOOO Cool! THat is way exciting, and scary, I totally can see why teachers get nervous. 6th grade, WOW! Congrats.

Jen said...

Congratulations! That's is so exciting. Good for you getting a great job so quickly. It really is about who you know. But being good at what you do helps. :)

Brian and Megan said...

Megan I am sooo proud of you!! I knew you were going to get the job as soon as you told me about it! Congrats!

Hibbard Family said...

I'm so proud of you Megan!

Sarah said...

Megan...congrats! It's a nice feeling when you get a job that you'll be great! Best of luck with the upcoming school year! :) (This is Sarah Lords, by the way!)

Chris and Shelly said...

Holy Cow! To be honest I am really jealous. It sounds so fun to actually put all that schooling to use! Maybe you'll have one of those fun romantic stories where you meet one of the student's father... or wait, that'd make him too old- maybe one of the student's older brother who is a hot, the star football player at UNLV, good LDS fella, etc...I'm way excited for you!!Keep up the good work!

Eliz said...

I am so happy for you. I hope that you have a great first year (which actually would be rare but hey I hope you beat the odds). I think that you are going to become an awesome teacher -- you have the personality for it. My best friend in the world (she lives in Indiana :() also teaches English to 6th and 7th graders -- if you ever want her number or email -- let me know - she might be able to add to your reading list. The only advice I would give is to find a mentor (someone in your department you can go to and ask questions). At Rancho I found my math "guru" and it made all the difference. Good luck. Eliz