Monday, January 19, 2009

"Not Me" Mondays

~~tHiNgS i mOsT cErTAiNly DID NOT dO tHiS wEeK~~

I DID NOT stay up till almost midnight on a school night and then get up at 5:00 am, resulting in only 5 hours of sleep. That would mean I would be way too tired to teach and NOT be in my top teaching performance.

I DID NOT skip a shower the day after my late night because I was too tired to get up in time. That is gross and would mean I DID NOT care about my appearance. I do care what I look like.

I DID NOT forget to edit out the swear word in the song I played to my 6th graders which subjected them to profanity. I am a professional and care very deeply about the impression I leave on my students. I am NOT a bad teacher.

I DID NOT come into work late this week four out of the five days. I take pride in being prepared and am NOT a “wing-it” teacher.

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